ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

All Projects

  1. AICTE-R&D project-73, “Robust Controller Structure for coordinated voltage regulation and stabilization-2002, Rs.5 Lacs. at UCE Burla.
  2. Completed the Project as Principal Investigator AICTE(R&D) Project “Application of Advanced signal Processing Techniques to Fault diagnosis to Power System Elements” in 2006 at UCE Burla.
  3. Completed the project AICTE/modrob project on modernisation of power electronics & drives laboratory in 2006 as Head (Electrical) at UCE Burla
  4. Modernisation of High Voltage laboratory, 2007, AICTE MODROB Project Amount :-Rs10. lacs as Head (Electrical) at UCE Burla
  5. Development of a composite index to investigate the impact of renewable resource time series dynamics on power systems, SERB-CRG, DST, Govt. Of India, 2023
  6. Principal Investigator, of AICTE-RPS project-19, “Transient Stability Analysis and Control of Power Systems with Excitation Control-2012, Rs.7.5 Lacs. at VSSUT, Burla
  7. Modernization of Electrical Power System Laboratory, MODROB Project AICTE, Rs 18.0 Lakhs, status: Ongoing (2017-2019)
  8. Analysis of Wind Speed Time Series for Prospective Power Generation Applications in Odisha, TEQIP-III Seed Grant, 2020
  9. Act as a coordinator for organising AICTE Sponsored two week Faculty Development Programme under QIP scheme on “Modeling Analysis and Control of Microgrid” from June 25th – 7th July 2018.
    Venue: VSSUT, Burla
    Date: 25th june -7th july 2018
  10. Coordinator of the AICTE sponsored "National Conference on Green Technology Revolution: India's Future Energy Perspective (NCGTR-2019)" as per Ref. no. 67-61/RIFD/GOC/Policy-1/2017-18 dt.22.04.2019 of sanctioned amount Rs.5,00,000.00 (Rupees Five Lakhs Only) for organizing the conference during October 19-20, 2019
  11. Applied for CRS Project to NPIU in May 2019
  12. NIL
  13. NIL
  14. Simulation of PV panel to grid and its application to domestic use of water pumping, TEQIP Seed grant, Rs 1.0 Lakh, Completed.
  15. Co-PI of the AICTE sponsored MODROB project titled "Modernization of Electrical Power System Laboratory" of amount Rs. 18,00,000.00 approved for 02 years duration and sanctioned on 08th September, 2017. (Ref. no. 9-44/RIFD/MODROB/Policy-1/2016-17)
  16. Wind Power Potential Assessment and Generator Selection for Ten Locations in Odisha, TEQIP-II Seed Grant, 2016.
  17. Co-Principal Investigator of AICTE-RPS Projects-19,” Transient Stability Analysis and Control of Power Systems with Excitation Control-2012, VSSUT, Burla
  18. Completed DST-SERB project title “ Assessment of wide area measurement signal by computational intelligence techniques” under young scientist scheme of 15.46 Lakhs from 2016-2020.
  19. Act as a coordinator for organising TEQIP-III Sponsored one week Faculty Development Programme “Modern Electric Power System Networks, MEPSN-2019” from 5th, August – 10th August 2019.
    Venue: VSSUT, Burla
    Date: 5th, August – 10th August 2019