The Department of Electrical Engineering has the following laboratories with modern facilities
MAJOR EQUIPMENTS AVAILABLE:01. 100 kV AC testing transformer.02. 100mA, High Voltage Schering Bridge for Capacitance and tan delta measurement 03. 140 kV AC, 280 kV DC 2-stage 0.49KJ,140 kV Impulse Generator test set with all accessories. 04. 100MHz 500Ms/s Digital storage Oscilloscope for impulse Voltage Measurement 05. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) trainer with Analog and Digital Modules 06. Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Trainer 07. Data accquition Trainer 08. Gyro’ Relay testing set 09. Primary current injection set, Input 230V, 1-Ph., 50Hz. With timer , magnetic contactor etc. 10. Standard Volt meter, Ammeter, Wattmeter etc 11. AC Network Analyser 12. DC Network Analyser 13. 12bit 100KHz. FFT analyzer SM-2701 14. AC/DC modular servo system, P.I.D. Unit, Digital servo system, Traducer & instrumentation kit, Linear system simulator, Relay control system, Compensation design, P.I.D.controller, Digital Control 15. Spectral analyser of a non-sinusoidal wave form 16. Study of D.C & A.C. transients of RL, RC,RLC ckt. 17. Cable fault locator 18. Artificial transmission line 19. 8086 microprocessor kits(LCD version), 8051 micro controller(LCD version), LCD interfacing with 8051, ADC interfacing with 8051, 8085 Microprocessor based relay testing kit 20. Scientific color 100MHz 250MS/sReal time (50GS/s equivalent time Digital storage C.R.O 21. L&T make 20MHz.Digital storage SOFTWARES AVAILABLE01. MATLAB AND ITS TOOL BOXES02. EMTDC/PSCAD 03. ETAP, EMTP 04. DSPACE 05. ORACLE 06. TC/VC++/VB++ 07. FOXPRO 08. PLC/SCADA |