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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Workshop & Seminar

Electrical Engineering Society

The Electrical Engineering Society of VSSUT, BURLA was constituted on Nov. 1986. Duties of the society:

  1. To render services like:
    Disseminating and updating of engineering and technological knowledge and diffusion among its members. information on all matters affecting engineering through learned.
    society functions comprising seminars, symposia, continuing education courses, workshops, paper meetings, conventions, conferences, round tables, etc. at both institutional and state levels. 
  2. To organize Training for self employment.
  3. To organize guidance on job opportunities in India and abroad.
Office bearer of the society:

The Society consists of faculty members, student representatives & is responsible for the organization of various cultural & academic events in the department.
Dr. S.Behera (Reader) is faculty adviser of the society at present.
Mr. Jyotipraksh Mishra (3rd Year) is student’s secretary at present.


S.N. Name of the Programme Name of Coordinator Duration Sponsoring agency
1 A training programme for teachers in Engineering College Dr.S.K.Sanyal 18.12.00 to 07.01.01 AICTE
2 Modern Optimization Techniques in Power Systems Dr.P.K. Modi 19.12.05 to 31.12.05 AICTE
3 Recent Trends & Applications in Power Electronics & Drives Dr.S.Behera 19.06.06 to 01.07.06 AICTE
4 Workshop on Application of Matlab & its Toolboxes Dr.B.B.Pati Dr.P.K. Hota 11.07.06 &12.07.06 Wesco & Hindalco
5 Application of Matlab & simulink in Electrical Engineering Dr.P.K. Modi 15.01.07 to 27.01.07 AICTE
6. National Level Student Seminar, Resonance-2005 Dr.B.B.Pati 05.05.2005 Alumni Association, VSSUT
7. National Level Student Seminar, Resonance-2006 Dr.S.Behera 06.05.2006 Alumni Association, VSSUT
8 National Level Student Seminar, Resonance-2007 Dr.A.Barisal 05.05.2007 Alumni Association, VSSUT

The department regularly organizes technical lectures by experts from industries and institutes on contemporary areas to bridge the gap between syllabi and current developments.

The faculty and the students continuously interact with the industries / Organizations like HINDALCO, NALCO, WESCO, NTPC, OPGC etc. in order to assimilate the current trends and prevailing practices.