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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Lecture Notes

S.N. Programme Semester Name of Subject Subject Code Download
1 B.Tech. and M.Tech. All sem Seminar LaTeX format PRESENTATION
2 M.Tech. 2nd, 3rd and 4th sem PG Dissertation LaTeX format THESIS
3 B.Tech. 7th and 8th sem PROJECT-I,II LaTeX format PROJECT
4 B.Tech 6th Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution BEE-601
5 B.Tech 7th Embedded System
6 B.Tech 7th Non conventional energy sourses (NCES) or Renewable Energy sources BEE 1703
7 B.Tech 6th & 7th Control System Engineering-II CSE-II
8 B.Tech 4th Electronics Circuits
9 B.Tech 5th Digital Circuit and Design BEC 1405
10 B.Tech 7th Electrical Engineering Material
11 B.Tech 7th Switch Gear and Protective Devices BEE 1701
12 B.Tech 3rd Electrical Machine 1 (Part-2) BEE-1302
13 B.Tech 4th Electrical Machine-II (Part-II) BEE 1401
14 B.Tech 4th Electrical Machine-II (Part-I) BEE 1401
15 B.Tech 6th Power Electronics BEE 1602
16 B.Tech 6th Power System-II BEE 1604
17 B.Tech. 7th Electrical Drives and Traction BEE
18 B.Tech Control System Engineering - I
19 B.Tech 6th Electromagnetic Theory
20 B.Tech 5th signals and systems - I BEE- 1605
21 B.Tech 5th Microprocessor and Micro-controller Theory and Applications BEE-1501
22 B.Tech 5th & 6th Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation
23 B.Tech 3rd Electrical Machine 1 (Part-1) BEE-1302
24 B.Tech 7th Power System-III BEE 1711
25 B.Tech 8th Soft Computing BCS 1705
26 B.Tech 8th High Voltage Engineering
27 B.Tech 3rd Network Theory BEE 1303
28 B.Tech 7th Power System Operation and Control BEE 701
29 B.Tech 3rd EOEM lecture BEE 1301
30 B.Tech 5th Power System-I BEE1507
31 B.Tech 5th Power Station Engineering BEE 1504
32 B.Tech 1st & 2nd Basic Electrical Engineering BEE-1101