ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Research & Consultancy


  • Measurement of dielectric loss factor (tanδ), capacitance and permittivity of solid dielectric (up to 10 KV) using shearing bridge.
  • Breakdown strength tests on solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics using AC (100KV), DC (280 KV) and impulse (140 KV, 0.49 KJ, L.I.).
  • Testing of dielectric strength of the insulating oil ( transformer oil etc.) as per relevant I.S.S.
  • Calibration and testing of energy meters as per relevant standards.
  • AC Power measurement.
  • Testing of dielectric strength of insulators :
    1. Dry / Wet flashover test. 
    2. Dry / Wet flashover test with one minute withstand test as per relevant I.S.S.
  • Testing of circuit breakers. ( specification :230V / 400V , 0-100 A)

    1. Measurement of low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge(0-0.001Ω)
    2. Measurement of insulation resistance of any equipment/ dielectric samples.
    3. Measurement of earth resistance.
    • LCR Q-measurement.
    • Wave form Analysis. 

Major research areas of the department are

  1. Computer aided design for compensation of extra high voltage a.c. transmission line.
  2. Voltage stability problems in radial power links and its solution for stochastically varying load models.
  3. Improved methods for simulation of non linear system.
  4. Modelling of transformers and overvoltage problems due to third harmonies.
  5. Application of nonlinear control theory to prevent some power system over voltage problems due to multimode operation with specific reference to protective system and distribution system.
  6. Microprocessor based digital protection and industrial drive control.
  7. New aspect for design of single phase induction motors.
  8. Transient Analysis of Ferro Resonant Circuit.
  9. Application of ANN to Power System problems.
  10. Dynamic Voltage Stability Studies.
  11. Neuro - Fuzzy techniques in power system.
  12. Genetic Algorithm application to power system problems.
  13. Structural identification and signal stabilization of non-linear control system.
  14. Soft Computing applications to power system optmization & control problems.
  15. Developing intelligent techniques for power system control and power quality improvement.