The Department was established in 12th August 1956. While retaining its strength in traditional areas of electrical engineering, the department grew with time, reflecting the needs of a changing society and initiated new areas of research and teaching in electrical engineering. It has been truly a driving force to increase the industry institute interaction and has been significantly rendering services to the nation ever since. The Department has excellent laboratories for the B.Tech., M.Tech as well as for Ph.D. students with advanced experimental facilities.
The department is Quality Improvement Programme(QIP) Centre for Ph.D. Programmes.
The course modules have been extensively designed to cover all the aspects of engineering studies. Besides imparting theoretical knowledge, a lot of stress is laid on hands-on training and overall, development of the individual's personality. The teaching programs have been devised keeping in view close interaction with the industry. The competence of the department is reflected in the growing demand for its fresh graduates and post graduates. The number of recruiting companies has multiplied many fold in the last few years. The department wish to provide outcome based quality education for generation to come.
The significance of the department can be judged by the fact that the Government of Odisha has approved to open a Center of Excellence in Electrical Engineering with an approximate investment of Rs 10 crores. The department is at the forefront of the academics
MTech programme comprises of core courses, specialization related electives, open electives and supervised research exposition. MTech thesis enables graduate students to display their skills in performing independent research. It is expected that MTech thesis would result in high quality research publications or patent or prototype technology development.