ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

All Publications

International Publications

  1. Rampreet Manjhi, Deepak Kumar Lal, Sandeep Biswal, and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, "Technical Indices Evaluation of Radial Distribution Network with Optimally Allocated DGs and Capacitors using Golden Jackal Optimization Algorithm", ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications (ECTI-EEC) (ISSN: 1685-9545), Volume 22 (2), pp. 1-13, 2024. https://doi.org/10.37936/ecti-eec.2024222.250677
  2. Bhawana Deshmukh, Deepak Kumar Lal, Sandeep Biswal, and Surender Reddy Salkuti “A differential amplitude variation based pilot relaying scheme for microgrid integrated distribution system”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (DE GRUYTER Publications), 2024. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijeeps-2023-0444
  3. A Gain Scheduling Control Framework for Mitigation of Time Varying Network Latency in Autonomous AC Microgrids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024
  4. 2023
  5. Bhawana Deshmukh, Deepak Kumar Lal, and Sandeep Biswal, "A reconstruction based adaptive fault detection scheme for distribution system containing AC microgrid", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier Publications), Volume 147, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108801
  6. Grid-connected solar PV fed BLDC motor drive for water pumping system, Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, 1477-1504, 2023
  7. 2022
  8. Jatin K Pradhan and Arun Ghosh, Multivariable Robust Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control for Linear Quadratic Compensation of a Class of Norm-Bounded Uncertain Systems, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 144, no. 10, 101003
  9. B N Kar, P Samuel, Jatin K Pradhan, A Mallick, Grid-connected solar photovoltaic-fed brushless DC motor drive for water pumping system using colliding body optimization technique, Journal of Circuit World
  10. Solar PV Array Fed Single Stage BLDC Motor Drive for Water Pumping System, Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, 1613-1636, 2022
  11. Grid-connected solar photovoltaic-fed brushless DC motor drive for water pumping system using colliding body optimization technique, Circuit World, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022
  12. BN Kar, P Samuel, Jatin K Pradhan, A Mallick, ''Solar PV Array Fed Single Stage BLDC Motor Drive for Water Pumping System", Journal of Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1613–1636
  13. Adaptive differential evolution and pattern search tuned fractional order fuzzy PID for frequency control of power systems
  14. Jatin K Pradhan and A Ghosh, Multivariable Robust PID Control for LQ Compensation of a Class of Norm-Bounded Uncertain Systems, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 144, no. 10
  15. Jatin K Pradhan, A Ghosh, Design and implementation of decoupled periodic control scheme for a laboratory-based quadruple-tank process, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 236, no. 1, pp. 212-224
  16. 2021
  17. R Pradhan, SK Majhi, Jatin K Pradhan, BB Pati, Optimal fractional order PID controller design using Ant Lion Optimizer, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 281-291
  18. S Panda, GR Biswal, Jatin K Pradhan, B Subudhi, A Mallick, Development of Prototype Fractional Order Controller for a Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 2171-2175
  19. Development of Prototype Fractional Order Controller for a Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 69 (4), 2171-2175
  20. Simulation and hardware-in-the-loop real-time testing of different controllers for frequency regulation of electrical power systems
  21. Design and analysis of the 2DOF-PIDN-FOID controller for frequency regulation of the electric power systems
  22. 2020
  23. Design and analysis of the 2DOF-PIDN-FOID controller for frequency regulation of the electric power systems
  24. 2019
  25. Deepak Kumar Lal, and Ajit Kumar Barisal, "Combined load frequency and terminal voltage control of power systems using moth flame optimization algorithm", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology (Springer Publications), Volume 6 (8), pp. 1-24, 2019. https://doi:10.1186/s43067-019-0010-3
  26. Soudamini Behera, Ajit Kumar Barisal, Nirmalya Dhal, and Deepak Kumar Lal, "Mitigation of power oscillations using hybrid DE-PSO optimization-based SSSC damping controller", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology (Springer Publications), Volume 6 (5), pp. 1-17, 2019. https://doi:10.1186/s43067-019-0007-y
  27. Deepak Kumar Lal, A. K. Barisal, and M. Tripathy, “Differential evolution algorithm optimized dual mode load frequency controller for isolated wind-diesel power system with SMES & fuel cell”, Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bentham Science Publications), Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.50-60, 2019. https://doi.org/10.2174/2352096511666180411150820
  28. Deepak Kumar Lal, and Ajit Kumar Barisal, "Grasshopper algorithm optimized fractional order fuzzy PID frequency controller for hybrid power systems", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bentham Science Publications), Volume 12, Issue 6, pp.517 - 529, 2019. https://doi.org/10.2174/2352096511666180717142058
  29. Jatin K. Pradhan, Arun Ghosh and C.N. Bhende, Two-degree-of-freedom multi-input multi-output proportional integral derivative control design: Application to quadruple-tank system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 233, pp. 303-319, 2019.
  30. 2018
  31. Deepak Kumar Lal, A. K. Barisal, and M. Tripathy, "Load Frequency Control of Multi Source Multi-Area Nonlinear Power System with DE-PSO Optimized Fuzzy PID Controller in Coordination with SSSC and RFB", International Journal of Control and Automation (SERSC Australia Publications), Volume 11, Issue 7, pp. 61-80, 2018.https://doi: http//dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijca.2018.11.7.06
  32. R Pradhan, SK Majhi, Jatin K Pradhan, BB Pati, Antlion optimizer tuned PID controller based on Bode ideal transfer function for automobile cruise control system, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, vol. 9, pp. 45-52
  33. Ajit Kumar Barisal, and Deepak Kumar Lal, "Application of Moth Flame Optimization Algorithm for AGC of Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems", International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IGI Global Publication), Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 22-49, 2018.https://doi: 10.4018/IJEOE.2018010102
  34. 2017
  35. Jatin K Pradhan, A Ghosh, CN Bhende, Small-signal modeling and multivariable PI control design of VSC-HVDC transmission link, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 144, pp. 115-126
  36. Deepak Kumar Lal, and A. K. Barisal, "Load Frequency Control of AC Microgrid Interconnected Thermal Power System", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 225, 2017.https://doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012090
  37. Bimalesh Chandra Rout, Deepak Kumar Lal, and A. K. Barisal, "Control of period doubling bifurcation in an SMIB power system using adaptive controller based on LaSalle's invariant principle", Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis Publication), Volume 4, 2017.https://doi: 10.1080/23311916.2017.1362804
  38. Deepak Kumar Lal, and A. K. Barisal, "Comparative performances evaluation of FACTS devices on AGC with diverse sources of energy generation and SMES", Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis Publication), Volume 4, 2017.https://doi: 10.1080/23311916.2017.1318466
  39. 2016
  40. Deepak Kumar Lal, A. K. Barisal and M. Tripathy, "Grey wolf optimizer algorithm based Fuzzy PID controller for AGC of multi-area power system with TCPS", Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier Publication) , Volume 92, 2016, pp. 99-105.https://doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.329
  41. 2015
  42. Jatin K. Pradhan and Arun Ghosh, Multi‐input and multi‐output proportional‐integral‐derivative controller design via linear quadratic regulator‐linear matrix inequality approach, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 9, no. 14, pp. 2140-2145
  43. Prasanna Kumar Biswal, and Deepak Kumar Lal and Bidyadhar Rout, "Distributed Generation: Benefits, Issues and Challenges", Grenze Inernational Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 30-36.
  44. Deepak Kumar Lal, and Prasanna Kumar Biswal, "Distributed Generation Allocation and Sizing in Radial Distribution System using Firefly Optimization Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), Volume 4, Special Issue 1, 2015, pp. 19-24.
  45. 2014
  46. A Ghosh, T.R. Krishnan, P. Tejaswy, A. Mandal, J.K. Pradhan and S. Ranasingh, Design and implementation of a 2-DOF PID compensation for magnetic levitation systems, ISA Transactions, vol. 53, pp. 1216-1222, 2014.
  47. 2013
  48. Jatin K Pradhan and Arun Ghosh, Design and implementation of decoupled compensation for a twin rotor MIMO system, IET Control Theory and Applications, vol. 7, pp. 282-289, 2013.
  49. 2011
  50. Deepak Kumar Lal, Bibhuti Bhusan Dash, and A. K. Akella, "Optimization of PV/Wind/Micro-Hydro/Diesel Hybrid Power System in HOMER for the Study Area", International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 3, Number 3, 2011, pp. 307-325.https://doi: 10.15676/ijeei.2011.3.3.4
  51. Deepak Kumar Lal, and K. S. Swarup, "Modeling and Simulation of Chaotic Phenomena in Electrical Power Systems", Applied Soft Computing Journal (Elsevier Publication), Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2011, pp. 103-110.https://doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2009.11.001
  52. U.K. Rout, R.K. Sahu, S. Panda, Design and analysis of differential evolution algorithm based automatic generation control for interconnected power system, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ELSEVIER, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 409-421, 2013.
  53. S.R. Khuntia, S. Panda, ANFIS approach for SSSC controller design for the improvement of transient stability performance, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, ELSEVIER, Vol. 57, pp. 289–300, 2013.
  54. S.K. Mohapatra, S. Panda, Stability improvement by SSSC and STATCOM based damping controllers employing differential evolution algorithm, ACTA Electrotehnica,Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 13-21, 2013.
  55. S. Panda, B.K. Sahu and P.K. Mohanty, Bacteria foraging optimisation algorithm for tuning of PSS and STATCOM–based controller parameters, Int. J. Data Mining, Modelling and Management, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 351-369, 2013.
  56. S. Panda, S.C. Swain, A.K. Baliarsingh, A.K. Mohanty, SSSC–based controller design employing a multi–objective optimisation technique, Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 284-293, 2013.
  57. S.K. Mohapatra, S. Panda, A comparative study between local and remote signal using shunt FACTS compensator based damping, Int. J. Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 5, N0. 2, pp. 135-153, 2013.
  58. R.K. Sahu, S. Panda, U.K. Rout, P. Roul, Application of gravitational search algorithm for load frequency control of multi area power system, J. Bioinformatics and Intelligent Control, American Scientific Publishers, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 200-210, 2013.
  59. S. Panda, B.K. Sahu and P.K. Mohanty, Design and performance analysis of PID controller for automatic voltage regulator system using simplified particle swarm optimization, J. the Franklin Institute, ELSEVIER, Vol. 349, pp. 2609–2625, 2012.
  60. S.R. Khuntia, S. Panda, Simulation study for automatic generation control of a multi-area power system by ANFIS approach, Applied Soft Computing, ELSEVIER, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 333-341, 2012.
  61. S. Panda, Differential evolution algorithm for SSSC-based damping controller design considering time delay, J. the Franklin Institute, ELSEVIER, Vol. 348, Issue 8, pp. 1903-1926, 2011.
  62. S. Panda, Multi-objective PID controller tuning for a FACTS-based damping Stabilizer using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, Vol. 33, pp. 1296-1308, 2011.
  63. S. Panda, Robust coordinated design of multiple and multi-type damping controller using differential evolution algorithm, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, Vol. 33, 1018-1030, 2011.
  64. S. Panda, Application of non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II technique for optimal FACTS-based controller design, J. the Franklin Institute, ELSEVIER, Vol. 347, Issue 7, pp. 1047-1064, 2010.
  65. K.C.Patra, B. B. Pati and J.Kacprzyk, "Prediction of Limit Cycle in Non-Linear Multivariable Systems," Archives of Control Sciences, Poland,Vol.4(XL),1995, No.3&4, pp.281-297.
  66. K.C.Patra, B. B. Pati, and J.Kackprzyk, "Signal stabilisation of Two dimensional nonlinear relay control systems", Journal of Archives of Control Sc. (Poland), Vol.6(XLII),1997, pp.89-101.
  67. S. Panda, S.C. Swain, P.K. Rautray, R. Mallik, G. Panda, Design and analysis of SSSC-based supplementary damping controller, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, ELSEVIER, Vol. 18, pp. 1199-1213, 2010.
  68. S. Panda, Modelling, simulation and optimal tuning of SSSC-based controller in a multi-machine power system, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, WORLD ACADEMIC PRESS, UK, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 110-121, 2010.
  69. K.C.Patra, B. B. Pati,"An investigation of forced oscillation for stabilisation of two dimensional nonlinear system", Journal of Systems and Control Letters, Netherland, Vol.35, 1998, pp.229-236.
  70. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, R.N. Patel, Application and comparison of intelligent optimisation techniques for SSSC-based controller design, Int. J. Intelligent System Technology and Applications. INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 169-184, 2010.
  71. K.C.Patra, B. B. Pati, A.Lozowicki, "Structural formulation and self-oscillation prediction in multidimensional nonlinear closed loop autonomous system", Int. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Poland, vol. 9, No.2, 1999, pp. 327- 346.
  72. K.C.Patra, and B. B. Pati, "On Asynchronous Excitation of Two dimensional nonlinear self-oscillating System", Journal of Inst. of Engrs. (Ind), Vol.78, Aug.1997, pp.79-82.
  73. S. Panda, S.C. Swain, A.K. Baliarsingh, Differential evolution algorithm for simultaneous tuning of excitation and FACTS-based controller, Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 404-412, 2010.
  74. S. Panda, N.P. Patidar, R. Singh, A multi-objective genetic algorithm approach for adaptive PSS and TCSC-based controller design, Int. J. Innovative Computing and Applications, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 121-138, 2010.
  75. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, "Modelling & Prediction of Forced Oscillations in Two Dimensional Nonlinear System Using Levenberg-Marquardt Approximation Based Neural Network", Jour of Inst. of Engrs (India), Vol.81, June 2000, pp.30-33.
  76. S. Panda, Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for SSSC-based controller design, Electric Power System Research. ELSEVIER, Vol. 79, Issue 6, pp. 937-944, 2009.
  77. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, “Normalised Phasor Diagram Method of Prediction of Limit Cycle for Two dimensional Nonlinear System”, Journal of Institution of Engrs. (Ind), December-2000, pp.
  78. A.K.Panda, K.C.Patra, and B. B. Pati, "Studies on Switching Boost Converter", Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.81, Sept.2000, pp.86-90.
  79. S. Panda, Differential evolutionary algorithm for TCSC-based controller design, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, ELSEVIER, Vol. 17, pp. 1618-1634, 2009.
  80. S. Panda, Multi-objective non-dominated shorting genetic algorithm-II for excitation and TCSC-based controller design, J. of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 87-94, 2009.
  81. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra and M.S.Naidu, "Variation of Surface Flashover Voltage in SF6 with Pressures" IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol.1, No.6, Dec.-1994,pp.1175-1179.
  82. S. Panda, TCSC-based controller design by multi-objective non-dominated shorting genetic algorithm-II, ACTA Electrotehnica,Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 108-118, 2009.
  83. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, “Dither in Twodimensional System with memoryless nonlinearity and system stability”, Journal of Institution of Engrs. (Ind), Vol.84, March 2004.
  84. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, “Signal stabilization in TITO System injecting dither at either input” Accepted for publication in IE(Australia)
  85. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, Improving the stability of a distribution system embedded with wind turbine induction generators using STATCOM, Int. Energy Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 131-144, 2009.
  86. S. Panda, R.N. Patel, Optimal location of shunt FACTS devices in long transmission lines to improve transient stability, Int. J. Electrical Engineering Education, Vol. 46, Issue 2, pp. 150-163, 2009.
  87. K.C.Patra, K.S.Nanda, and B. B. Pati, "Energy Conservation by Modified Design of Motor Terminal Box and Dc Motor Field winding Protection-Case Studies", Jour. of Electrical India, Vol.XXXIII, No.17, Sep.1993, pp.3-8.
  88. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, R.N. Patel, A multi-objective GA method for generating pareto solutions for coordinated design of PSS and TCSC, Int. J. Intelligent System Technology and Applications. INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 430-445, 2009.
  89. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, and M.S.Naidu "Variation of Spacer Efficiency with Gas Pressure for Rod-plane Spacer geometry in SF6 medium under long fronted switching impulse voltages",Jour. of Electrical India,Vol.XXXIII, No.22, Nov.1993, pp.13-17.
  90. B. B. Pati, B.P.Panigrahi, and K.C.Patra, "Effects of SF6 Release and its By-products on Environment, Personnel Safety, and Equipment Integrity" Jour.of Industrial Pollution Control, India, 10(2), 1994, pp.103-111.
  91. S. Panda, R.K. Sahu, Modelling, simulation and optimal design of a TCSC- based controller in a power system, Int. J. Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation. INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 222-230, 2009.
  92. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, and M.S.Naidu, "Influence of SF6 Insulation on Design and Performance of Gas Insulated System/Equipment (GIS/GIE)", IEEMA Journal,India,Vol.XV,No.7,July-95,pp.6-10.
  93. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, Comparison of particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm for FACTS-based controller design, Applied Soft Computing. ELSEVIER, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 1418-1427, 2008.
  94. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, "Least Cost Utility Planning" Energy Conservation Bulletin, A monthly Journal of Energy Conservation Society India, Vol.3, No.12, Dec-1995, pp.1-2.
  95. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, Optimal location and controller design of STATCOM using particle swarm optimization, J. the Franklin Institute, ELSEVIER, Vol.345, pp. 166-181, 2008.
  96. B. B. Pati, N.K.Sahu and K.C.Patra, "Life Estimation of Transformer Oil under Thermal Stress," Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development (I), July-August'96, pp.92-95.
  97. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, R.N. Patel, Power system stability improvement by PSO optimized SSSC-based damping controller, Electric Power Components & Systems, Taylor and Francis, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 468-490, 2008.
  98. B. B. Pati, K.C.Patra, "Energy Conservation: Its Planning and Management", Journal of Kurukshetra (I), July 1998,pp. 9-12.
  99. S. Panda, N. P. Padhy, Application of genetic algorithm for PSS and FACTS based controller design, Int. J. Computational Methods, World Scientific, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 607-620, 2008.
  100. B. B. Pati, and K.C.Patra, "Matlab/Simulink Prediction of transient behavior of variable pressure operating system of steam power plant", Journal of Power and River Valley Development, Vol.XLVIII, No.9&10 Sept.1998, pp.133-135.
  101. S. Panda, N.P. Patidar, R. Singh, Robust coordinated design of excitation and STATCOM-based controller for power system stability improvement, Int. J. Innovative Computing and Applications. INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 244-252, 2008.
  102. B. B. Pati, and K.C.Patra,"Energy Conservation By Improved Product And Process Design", Electrical Review, pp. 8-9, January, 1999.
  103. S. Panda, R.N. Patel, Optimal location of shunt FACTS controllers for transient stability improvement employing genetic algorithm, Electric Power Components and Systems, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 189-203, 2007.
  104. B. B. Pati, and K.C.Patra,"Monitoring Transformer Oil Quality", Electrical Review, pp. 2-4, Nov. 1999.
  105. S. Panda, R.N. Patel, Transient stability improvement by optimally located STATCOMs employing genetic algorithm, Int. J. Energy Technology and Policy, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 404-421, 2007.
  106. B. B. Pati and K.C.Patra,“Assessing online dispatch approach for energy loss minimisation in power system”,Electrical review April-02.
  107. S. Panda, R.N. Patel, Damping power system oscillations by genetically optimized PSS and TCSC controller, Int. J. Energy Technology and Policy, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 457-474, 2007.
  108. Rabindra Behera, B.B.Pati, B.P. Panigrahi, and D.K. Rout, “Reliability Evaluation of a Power System including wind Mill”, ELECTRICA INDIA, Vol. 51 (04) April 2011 page 40-48
  109. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, R.N. Patel, Robust coordinated design of PSS and TCSC using PSO technique for power system stability enhancement, J. Electrical Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 109-123, 2007.
  110. Shibashis Sahu, & B.B. Pati, “Reliability Enhancement in Electrical Energy Management System”, Electrical India, Vol.51, No.10, October-2011 pp.96-103.
  111. S. Panda, N.P. Padhy, R.N. Patel, Modelling, simulation and optimal tuning of TCSC controller, Int. J. Simulation Modeling, Vol.6, No. 1, pp. 37-48, 2007.
  112. Shibashis Sahu, B.B. Pati and Deba Prasad Patra, “Fault Classification and location algorithm for series compensated power transmission line”, Int. Jour. Of Electrical Energy systems, Vo.3, No.2, July-Dec.2011, ISSN0975-7147, pp.65-70.
  113. S. Panda, R.N. Patel, Improving power system transient stability with an off–centre location of shunt FACTS devices, J. Electrical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 365-368, 2006.
  114. B.B. Pati, and Maheswar Behera, “Detection of faults in Distribution Transformer and Classification using Wavelet Transform” Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development, Vol.61, No.7&8 July-Aug.2011.
  115. S. Panda, A.K. Baliarsingh, S. Mahapatra, S.C. Swain, Supplementary damping controller design for SSSC to mitigate sub-synchronous resonance, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.07.013, (Impact Factor: 2.256)  
  116. . K. K. Baral,P. C. Nayak,B. Mohanty,A. K. Barisal, “Improved frequency regulation of dual-area hybrid power system with the in?uence of energy storage devices” ElectricalEngineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-024-02670-8
  117. R.Behera, B.B.Pati, B.P.Panigrahi, , “Economic Power Dispatch Problem using Artificial Immune System, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011 ISSN 2229-5518, pp125-130.
  118. S. Panda, N.K. Yegireddy, Multi-Input Single Output SSSC based damping controller design by a hybrid Improved Differential Evolution-Pattern Search approach, ISA Transactions, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2015.03.012 (Impact Factor: 2.4)
  119. R.Behera, B.P. Panigrahi, & B.B. Pati, “A Hybrid Short Term Load Forecasting Model of an Indian Grid”, Energy & Power Engineering, Scientific Research May 2011, 3, pp.190-193.
  120. G.T.C. Sekhar, R.K. Sahu, A.K. Baliarsingh, S Panda, Load frequency control of power system under deregulated environment using optimal firefly algorithm. Int. J. Elect. Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.07.025 (Impact Factor: 3.42)
  121. B. V. S. Acharyulu·Simhadri K.S,·B Mohanty, “Greenan aconda optimized DRN controller for automaticgeneration control of two-area interconnected wind–solar–tidal system” Electrical Engineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-023-02151-4
  122. B.Das, Ch. S. Das, S.Das, B.Subudhi, B.B. Pati, “Narrowband Interference Reduction Technique in Impulse Radio (IR) UWB Communication System Coexisting in WPAN and Underwater Environment.”, ICTACT Int. Journal, on Communication Technology, ISSN0976-0091, Vol.3, No.1, Mar 2012 pp.478-487.
  123. B. K. Sahu, P. K. Mohanty, S. Panda, A novel hybrid LUS-TLBO optimized fuzzy-PID controller for load frequency control of multi-source power system, Int. J. Elect. Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.07.020 (Impact Factor: 3.42).
  124. G. R Biswal, B. Mohanty, “Frequency and voltage stability of multi microgrid system using 2-DOF TIDF FUZZY controller” smart science https://doi.org/10.1080/23080477.2023.2297550
  125. KK Baral, PC Sahu, AK Barisal, B Mohanty, Combined analysis on AGC and ELD of a hybrid power system with D-WCA designed Gaussian type-2 fuzzy controller, Evolving Systems 14 (2), 263-280
  126. B.B. Pati, R.Behera, and D.P. Patra, “Power Quality Improvement for Grid Connected Wind Energy System using STATCOM Control Scheme”, Electrical India, April 2012, pp.24-29.
  127. S. C. Swain, S. Panda, S. Mahapatra, A Multi-Criteria Optimization Technique for SSSC Based Power Oscillation Damping Controller Design, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.asej.2015.05.017 (S. N. Impact factor: 0.932).
  128. R.Behera, B.P. Panigrahi, and B.B. Pati, “Economic Load Dispatch problem using modified Genetic Algorithm”, Int. Jour of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.3 Issue.5 May 2012, pp.1-6.
  129. R.K. Sahu, G.T.C. Sekhar, S Panda, Automatic generation control of multi-area power systems with diverse energy sources using teaching learning based optimization algorithm, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.jestch.2015.07.011
  130. K. S. Simhadri, B. Mohanty, and S. K. Panda, “Comparative performance analysis of 2DOF state feedback controller for automatic generation control using whale optimization algorithm,” Optim Control Appl Methods, vol. 40, no. 1, 2019, doi: 10.1002/oca.2462
  131. S. Sahu, A K Barisal, A Kaudi, “Multi-objective OPF with DG placement using TLBO and MIPSO: A comparative study”, International Journal of Energy Procedia, Elsevier, Vol. 114, 2017.
  132. R.Behera, B.B. Pati, B.P. Panigrahi, and S.Misra “An application of Genetic Programming for Power System Planning and Operation”, ACEEE Int. Jour on Control System and instrumentation, Vol.3, Issue.2 pp.15-20, 2012.
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  175. Rajat Kanti Samal, M. Tripathy. “Estimating wind speed probability distribution based on measured data at Burla in Odisha, India”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis, pp-918-930, Sept. 2018, 41:8, 918-930, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2018.1521888,
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  244. R Pradhan, S K Majhi, J K Pradhan, B B Pati, "Optimal fractional order PID controller design using Ant Lion Optimizer", Ain Shams Engineering Journal,2019, Elsevier Publication,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2019.10.005.(Indexed in SCIE, Scopus, IF: 3.091
  245. R. K. Swain, A. K. Barisal and P. K. Hota, “Short term Hydrothermal scheduling using clonal selection technique”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems vol-33, no-3, pp-647-656,2011.
  246. Bikramaditya Das, Bidydhar Subudhi, and B.B. Pati, “Co-operative control of a team of autonomous underwater vehicles in an obstacle-rich environment” Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, Vol.15(3), Nov. 2016, pp.135-151.
  247. S. Padhan, R. K. Sahu, S. Panda, Automatic generation control with thyristor controlled series compensator including superconducting magnetic energy storage units, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ELSEVIER, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 759-774, 2014. (S. N. Impact factor: 0.932)
  248. Santi Behera, M. Tripathy, J. K. Satapathy, “ Optimal Placement and Sizing of SVC for Load Margin Improvement Using BF Algorithm” International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering , World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , pp 1572-1577,Vol 8, No 10, 2014.
  249. Samal, R.K. A Comparison of Cost and Emission Reduction Efficacy of Wind Energy in Hydrothermal Systems. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering(2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-023-00654-1
  250. B. Mohanty and S. Tripathy, “A teaching learning based optimization technique for optimal location and size of DG in distribution network,” Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.jesit.2015.11.007.
  251. U. K. Rout, R. K. Swain, A. K. Barisal, R. C. Prusty, “Clonal Selection Algorithm for Dynamic Economic Dispatch with Nonsmooth Cost Functions” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 12, December-2011
  252. Dr.Sasmita Behera and B.B. Pati, “Protection System of a Grid Connected PV System” ELECTRICAL INDIA, Vol. 57 (04) , April, 2017, pp. 72-76.
  253. A.K.Pradhan, A. Routray ,Banaja Mohanty, Maximum efficiency of flexible AC transmission system, international journal of  electric power and energy system, Elsevier Science , vol. 28 , 2006,pp-581-588.
  254. R. K Sahu, S. Panda, S. Padhan, Optimal gravitational search algorithm for automatic generation control of interconnected power systems, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ELSEVIER, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 721-733, 2014. (S. N. Impact factor: 0.932)
  255. S. K. Sharma, P. K. Modi, M. P. Sharma, S. P. Singh, “Loss Reduction in Indian Rural Distribution Systems using Network Reconfiguration”, Journal of Water and Energy International, Vol.60, No.1, Jan.-Mar. 2003, pp.30-47.
  256. Design and real-time implementation of a new auto-tuned adaptive MPPT control for a photovoltaic system, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsivier) 64 (1), 792–803, 2015. (cited by-22)
  257. P. Ray, S. Arya, D.Mishra, “Intelligence Scheme for Fault Location in a Combined Overhead Transmission Line & Underground Cable”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2018, doi:  10.1515/ijeeps-2017-0277
  258. Santosh Kumar Majhi, Madhusmita Sahoo, Rosy Pradhan, "Oppositional Crow Search Algorithm with mutation operator for global optimization and application in designing FOPID controller", Evolving Systems - An Interdisciplinary Journal for Advanced Science and Technology (Springer), 2019. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12530-019-09305-5. (Indexed in Scopus, ESCI)
  259. Ambarish Panda, M. Tripathy, “Optimal Power Flow Solution of Wind Integrated Power System using Modified Bacteria Foraging Algorithm” Electric Power & Energy Systems, Vol.54, No.1, pp.306-314, Jan.2014
  260. Rajat Kanti Samal (2022) Techno-economic analysis and wind resource assessment for Odisha, India using reanalysis and 80 m mast measurements: a preliminary assessment for policy-makers, International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2022.2137581
  261. M. K. Kar, A K Singh, S. Kumar B. Rout, Application of Fractional PID controller to improve stability of a single machine infinite bus system, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India); Series B, Vol 105, (1),pp-77-92, Dec-2023
  262. S. Panda, D. Mishra, B.B. Biswal, M. Tripathy, “Revolute Manipulator Workspace Optimisation using a Modified Bacteria Foraging Algorithm: A Cmparative Study” Engineering Optimization, Taylor & Francis, pp-181-199, Vol. 46 , No.2, Feb. 2014
  263. A. Mohanty, B. Rout, Solar PV Transient Mitigation using Superimposed Sliding Mode-Perturb and Observe MPPT under Varying Irradiation Conditions, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research,Vol. 82, June 2023, pp. 609-615,, June 2023
  264. A. K. Barisal  “Dynamic Search Space Squeezing Strategy based Intelligent Algorithm Solutions to Economic Dispatch with Multiple Fuels”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,   Vol. 45, No. 1,  pp. 50-59, 2013.
  265. R. Pradhan, S. K. Majhi, J. Pradhan, and B. B.Pati, “Performance Evaluation of PID Controller for an Automobile Cruise Control System using Ant Lion Optimizer”, Engineering Journal (Eng. J.), vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 347-361, Sep. 2017.
  266. S.panda, B.Mohanty, P.K.Hota, “Hybrid BFOA-PSO algorithm for automatic generation control of linear and nonlinear interconnected power systems”, Applied Soft Computing , Elsevier Science,  Vol. 13 (12), 2013,pp 4718-4730.
  267. S. Padhan, R. K. Sahu, S. Panda, Application of Firefly Algorithm for Load Frequency Control of Multi-area Interconnected Power System, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 42, Issue 13, pp. 1419–1430, 2014. (Impact factor: 0.664)
  268. S. K. Sharma, P. K. Modi, M. P. Sharma, S. P. Singh, “Loss Reduction in Indian Rural Distribution Systems using Network Reinforcement”, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.11, No.1&2, Jan. 2003, pp.63-78
  269. A comparative study on solar array parameter extraction methods, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (Inderscience),3 (3), 295-315, 2012. (cited by-19)
  270. V. Rajgopal, V. Nagamalleswari, Papia Ray, S. R. Arya and J. Bangarraju, “Reduced switch technique for solar PV systembased Multilevel Inverter for PQ improvement”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2018, doi: 10.1515/ijeeps-2018-0012.
  271. S K Majhi, M Sahoo, R Pradhan, "A space transformational crow search algorithm for optimization problems", Evolutionary Intelligence, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s12065-019-00294-7
  272. Rajat Kanti Samal, Assessment of wind energy potential using reanalysis data: A comparison with mast measurements, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 313, 2021, 127933, ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127933
  273. An Adaptive Predictive Error Filter based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for a Photovoltaic System, The Journal of Engineering 1, 1-28, 2016 (cited by-1).
  274. P. Ray, “Power system low frequency oscillation mode estimation using wide area measurement systems”, International Journal on Engineering Science and Technology (JESTECH), Elsevier Science, doi:10.1016/j.jestch.2016.11.019, vol. 20, 2017, pp.598-615. Science Citation Index
  275. Rosy Pradhan, Bibhuti Bhusan Pati, “Comparative Performance Evaluation of Fractional Order PID Controller for Heat Flow System using Evolutionary Algorithm”, International Journal of Meta-heuristic Computing, IGI Global.
  276. Rajat Kanti Samal (2021): Probabilistic Modelling of 80 m Mast Measured Wind Resource: A case study., Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2021.1910753
  277. S. K. Khandualo , A. K. Barisal and P. K. Hota , “ Scheduling of Pumped Storage Hydrothermal System with Evolutionary Programming,” International Journal of Clean Energy Technology,   (JOCET) Vol. 1, No. 4,  pp. 308-312, 2013.
  278. R. Pradhan, S.K. Majhi, and B.B. Pati, "Design of PID controller for Automatic Voltage Regulator System using Ant Lion Optimizer", World Journal of Engineering, Emerald, Vol.15, No.3 pp.373-387, 2018.
  279. B Mohanty, S Panda, P K Hota, “Controller parameters tuning of differential evolution algorithm and its application to load frequency control of multi-source power system”, International Journal of Electrical  Power and Energy System, Elsevier Science, Vol. 54, 2014, pp 77-84.
  280. B. Mohanty, S. Panda, P.K. Hota, Controller parameters tuning of differential evolution algorithm and its application to load frequency control of multi-source power system, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, Vol. 54, pp. 77-85, 2014. (Impact factor: 3.432)
  281. P. K. Modi, S. P. Singh, J. D. Sharma, “Loadability Margin Calculation of Power Systems with SVC using Artificial Neural Network”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.18, No.6, Sep.2005, pp.965-703.
  282. M. Tripathy, S.Mishra, “An Interval Type-2 based Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor to Improve Power System Stability”, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution,Vol.5, No.2, pp.209-222, Feb.2011
  283. A. Mohanty, B. Rout, R. Panigrahi, A comparative Studies on different islanding detection methods for distributed generation systems, ENERGY SOURCES, PART A: RECOVERY, UTILIZATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS, Volume 45(1),pp-2284-2316, March-2023
  284. S. K. Khandualo , A. K. Barisal, P. K. Pradhan and P. K. Patro , “A Gravitational Search Algorithm for Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem,” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 3 Issue 1,pp. 293-297, 2014.
  285. B.D.Rout, B.B.Pati and S. Panda, “A hybrid modified differential evolution pattern search approach for SSSC based damping controller design under communication constraints”, Int. J. System Assur. Engg. Manag(Springer), Vol.9, No.4, pp.962-971, Aug.2018.
  286. B Mohanty, S Panda, PK.Hota, “Differential evolution algorithm based automatic generation control for interconnected power system with governor dead-band non-linearity” Alexandria ENGG journal, Elsevier Science ,Vol 53(3),2014,pp-537-552.
  287. R.K. Sahu, S. Panda, N. K Yegireddy, A novel hybrid DEPS optimized fuzzy PI/PID controller for load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power systems, Journal of Process Control, ELSEVIER, Vol. 24, Issue 10, pp. 1596-1608, 2014. (Impact factor: 2.179)
  288. P. K. Modi, S. P. Singh, J. D. Sharma, “Voltage stability evaluation of power system with FACTS devices using fuzzy neural network”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.20, No.4, Jun.2007, pp.481-491.
  289. Adaptive double-integral-sliding-mode-maximum-power-point tracker for a photovoltaic system, The Journal of Engineering 1 (1), 2015.
  290. P. Ray and D. Mishra, “Support Vector Machine Based Fault Classification and Location of a Long Transmission Line”, International Journal on Engineering Science and Technology (JESTECH), Elsevier Science, doi: 10.1016/j.jestch.2016.04.001,vol. 19, Issue. 3,2016, pp. 1368-1380. Science Citation Index.
  291. Santosh Kumar Majhi, Subho Bhatachharya, Rosy Pradhan and Shubhra Biswal, “Fuzzy Clustering using Salp Swarm Algorithm for Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press.
  292. Rajat Kanti Samal, M. Tripathy, A novel distance metric for evaluating impact of wind integration on power systems, Renewable Energy, Volume 140, 2019, Pages 722-736, ISSN 0960-1481, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.03.094.
  293. B. Rout, B.B. Pati and S Panda, A hybrid modified differential evolution-pattern search approach for SSSC based damping controller design under communication constraints, International Journal of System Assurance Engg.Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 962-971, Springer, 16 Jan, 2018
  294. Y.Mishra, S.Mishra, M. Tripathy, N.Senroy, Z.Y.Dong, “Improving Stability of a DFIG based wind power system with tuned damping controllers”, IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, pp-650-660, Vol. 24 , No.3, Sept. 2009.
  295. Nutan Saha, Sidhartha Panda, Hybrid Modified Whale Optimisation Algorithm Simulated Annealing Technique for control of SRM, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristics,12(3), 2021
  296. S.Mishra, M. Tripathy and J.Nanda, “Multi-machine power system stabilizers designed by rule based bacteria foraging”, Electric Power System Research., Vol.77, No.12, pp. 1595-1607, Oct. 2007.
  297. N Saha, S. Panda, “Cosine Adapted Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm for Control of Switched Reluctance Motor” Computational Intelligence(Special Issue), WILEY(SCIE/SCOPUS), 2020.
  298. S. Sahoo, K. M. Dash, R. C. Prusty and A. K. Barisal, “Comparative analysis of optimal load dispatch through evolutionary algorithms” , Ain Shams Engineering journal, Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 6, pp. 107-120.
  299. B.D. Rout, B.B.Pati and S.Panda, “Modified SCA algorithm for SSSC damping Controller design in Power System”, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, Vol.16, No.1, pp.46-63, Feb.2018.
  300. B.Mohanty, P.K. Hota, “Nonlinear load frequency control of interconnected hydro-thermal system using differential evolution technique” International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (WASET), Vol.8(2), 2014, pp 460-67.
  301. S. Panda, B. Mohanty, P.K. Hota, Hybrid BFOA-PSO algorithm for automatic generation control of linear and nonlinear interconnected power systems, Applied Soft Computing, ELSEVIER, Vol. 13, Issue 12, pp. 4718-4730, 2013.
  302. P. K. Modi, S. P. Singh, J. D. Sharma, “Fuzzy neural network based voltage stability evaluation of power systems with SVC”, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.8, No.1, Jan.2008, pp.657-665.
  303. Development of RANK Indicators for Transmission Lines and Generators to Forecast Voltage Stability Status of Power System in Presence of SVC, AMSE, 83 (3), 2010.
  304. P.Ray, S.Arya and S. Nandkeolyar, “Electric Load Forecasts by Metaheuristic Based Back Propagation Approach”, Journal of Green Engineering, vol. 7, pp. 61-62, 2017, In Press, doi:10.13052/jge1904-4720.7124.
  305. Rosy Pradhan, Santosh Kumar Majhi, Bibhuti Bhusan Pati, “Design of Fractional Order PID Controller for Heat Flow System using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, Inderscience, Vol. 8, Issue ½, 2019.
  306. Rajat Kanti Samal, M. Tripathy, Cost and emission additionality of wind energy in power systems, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Volume 17, 2019, 100179, ISSN 2352-4677, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2018.12.001
  307. B. Rout, B.B. Pati, S. Panda, Modified Algorithm for SSSC Damping Controller Design in Power System, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications, Volume.16, No.1, pp.46-63, February 2018
  308. Voltage Control Analysis Applying Advanced SVC model, International Journal on Electronics & Electrical Engineering (IJEEE), 4 (6), 2009.
  309. D. P. Mishra and P.Ray, “Fault detection,location and classification of a transmission line,” Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, doi: 10.1007/s00521-017-3295-y, vol.30, pp. 1377-1424, 2018, Impact Factor.4.664.
  310. Rosy Pradhan, Santosh Kumar Majhi, Bibhuti Bhusan Pati, (2018) "Design of PID controller for automatic voltage regulator system using Ant Lion Optimizer", World Journal of Engineering (Emerlad), Vol. 15 Issue: 3, pp.373-387, https://doi.org/10.1108/WJE-05-2017-0102
  311. M. Tripathy, Rajat Kanti Samal, A new perspective on wind integrated optimal power flow considering turbine characteristics, wind correlation and generator reactive limits, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 170, 2019, Pages 101-115, ISSN 0378-7796, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2019.01.018.
  312. B. Rout, B. B. Pati, MFO Optimized Fractional Based Controller on Power System Stability, Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Vol.8, pp.46-59, 2018.
  313. A. K. Barisal, “Comparative performance analysis of teaching learning based optimization for automatic load frequency control of multi-source power systems”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2015, Vol. 66, pp. 67-77.
  314. R. Pradhan, S. K. Majhi, J. K. Pradhan, and B. B. Pati, “Antlion optimizer tuned PID controller based on Bode ideal transfer function for automobile cruise control system,” Journal of Industrial Information Integration, (Elsevier ) vol. 9, pp. 45–52, 2018.
  315. B.Mohanty, P.K.Hota, “Particle Swarm Optimization Based Interconnected Hydro-Thermal AGC System Considering GRC and TCPS” International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (WASET), Vol:8, No:7, 2014.
  316. S. Panda, Narendra K.Y, Automatic generation control of multi-area power system using multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, Vol. 53, pp. 54-63, 2013. (Impact factor: 3.432)
  317. S. S. Pati, P. K. Modi, “Loss minimization of distribution system using distributed generation”, Cogeneration and distributed generation journal, Vol.24, Issue-3, Jul.2009, pp.23-47
  318. M. Tripathy, S.Mishra, “Bacteria Foraging based solution to optimize both real power loss and voltage stability limit”, IEEE Trans. Power Systems pp. 240-248, Vol. 22, No. 1, Feb. 2007.
  319. Nutan Saha, A. K. Panda, Sidhartha. Panda “Speed control with torque ripple reduction of switched reluctance motor with many optimizing liaison technique” Journal of electrical system and information technology(Elsevier), 2017.
  320. A hybrid islanding detection method using wavelet transform for hybrid systems with zero non-detection zone, M Mishra, BB Pati, World Journal of Engineering
  321. A hybrid IDM using wavelet transform for a synchronous generator-based RES with zero non-detection zone, M Mishra, BB Pati, AIMS Electronics & Electrical Engineering 8 (1)
  322. A. K. Barisal, R.C. Prusty,, “Large scale economic dispatch of power systems using oppositional invasive weed optimization, International Journal of Applied Soft Computing, 2015,Vol. 29, pp. 122-137.
  323. R. Pradhan and B. B. Pati, "Comparative Performance Evaluation of FOPID controller for Heat Flow System using Evolutionary Algorithm." International Journal of meta-heuristic computing. (Accepted).
  324. B.Mohanty, “TLBO optimized sliding mode controller for multi-area multi-source nonlinear interconnected AGC system” Electrical Power and Energy Systems 73 (2015) 872–881.
  325. S. Panda, Narendra K.Y, S.K. Mohapatra, Hybrid BFOA-PSO approach for coordinated design of PSS and SSSC-based controller considering time delays , Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, Vol. 49, pp. 221–233, 2013. (Impact factor: 3.432)
  326. Anamika Jain, A. S. Thoke, P.K. Modi and R. N Patel, “Classification and location of single line to ground faults in double circuit transmission lines using artificial neural networks”, International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, Vol.2, Issue-2, 2010, pp.109-125
  327. R Pradhan, B. Soreng, P. Behera, Design of A Grid Integrated PV System with MPPT Control and Voltage Oriented Controller usingMATLAB/PLECES, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017.
  328. P. Ray, D. Mishra, “Application of extreme learning machine for underground cable fault location”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, doi:10.1002/etep.2032,Wiley, vol. 25, Issue. 7, 2014, ISSN:1546-3109.Impact Factor. 1.314.
  329. Rosy Pradhan, Santosh Kumar Majhi, Jatin Ku Pradhan, and Bibhuti Bhusan Pati. "Antlion optimizer tuned PID controller based on Bode ideal transfer function for automobile cruise control system." Journal of Industrial Information Integration (Elsevier) Vol. 9 (2018): 45-52.
  330. Rajat Kanti Samal, M. Tripathy, Cost savings and emission reduction capability of wind-integrated power systems, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 104, 2019, Pages 549-561, ISSN 0142-0615, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.07.039.
  331. M. Tripathy, S.Mishra, L.L.Lai, Q.P.Jhang, “Transmission Loss Reduction Based on FACTs and Bacteria Foraging Algorithm”, IX Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp-222-231,Vol. 4193, 2006, SPRINGER.
  332. Nutan Saha, Sidhartha. Panda “Speed control with torque ripple reduction of switched reluctance motor hybrid many optimizing liaison gravitational search technique” Engineering science and technology an international journal(Elsevier), 2017. NOTE: This model has been included in MATLAB Documentation-2019 https://in.mathworks.com/help/physmod/sps/ref/srmcurrentcontroller.html.
  333. Soreng, B. and Pradhan, R., 2021. Optimal controller design for an islanded microgrid during load change. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 12(3), pp.237-252.
  334. S.Mishra, P.K.Dash, P.K.Hota, M. Tripathy, “Genetically Optimized Neuro-Fuzzy IPFC for Damping Modal Oscillations of Power Systems”, IEEE Trans. Power Systems pp 1740-47 Vol. 17, No. 4, Nov. 2002.
  335. N. Saha, S.Panda, “Application of many optimizing liaisons technique for control with torque ripple minimization of switched reluctance motor”, Asian Journal of Convergernce in Technology
  336. Soreng, B. and Pradhan, R., 2021. Comparative analysis of some remarkable islanding detection techniques in inverter-based distributed generation systems. Electric Power Components and Systems, 49(8), pp.806-827.
  337. A. K. Barisal, R.C. Prusty, S.S. Dash and S.K. Kissan, “Short Term Hydro Thermal Scheduling Using Invasive weed optimization technique”, Computational Intelligence in Data Mining,Volume 3, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 33, 2015.pp. 395-405.
  338. Universal Simplest possible PLC using Personal Computer. IJACSA International journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol II, No I, 2011.
  339. B.D.Rout, and B.B. Pati, “MFO Optimised Fractional Based Controller on Power System Stability”, Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation(PETI), Vol.8, pp.46-59, 2018.
  340. M. K. Kar, B. Rout and J. K. Moharana, Improvement of power factor of a grid connected load system using static compensator," Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics", 1 (1), pp. 5-10, 2014
  341. R.K. Sahu, S. Panda, U.K. Rout, DE optimized parallel 2-DOF PID controller for load frequency control of power system with governor dead-band nonlinearity, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ELSEVIER, Vol. 49, pp. 19-33, 2013. (Impact factor: 3.432)
  342. A. Mohanty, P. K. Modi, “Optimal Location and Sizing of Distributed Generation In a Power Distribution System”, Cogeneration and distributed generation journal, Vol.25, Issue-4, 2010, pp.20-39.
  343. Performance Improvement of Electric Power Distribution System Using DG, M Mishra, PK Modi ,Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal 31 (4), 50-68
  344. K. Sharma and R. Pradhan, Design of A Novel Feed-Forward Control Strategy for A Non-Minimum Phase System, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017.
  345. NIL
  346. NIL
  347. P. Ray, B. K. Panigrahi and N. Senroy “Hybrid methodology for fault distance estimation in series compensated transmission line”, IET Gen. Trans. Dist., doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2012.0243, vol. 7, issue 5, 2013, pp. 431-439, ISSN:1751-8687. Impact Factor. 1.57
  348. Rosy Pradhan, Santosh Kumar Majhi, Jatin Kumar Pradhan, and Bibhuti Bhusan Pati. "Performance Evaluation of PID Controller for an Automobile Cruise Control System using Ant Lion Optimizer." Engineering Journal 21, no. 5 (2017): 347-361.
  349. Rajat Kanti Samal & Manish Tripathy (2018): Estimating wind speed probability distribution based on measured data at Burla in Odisha, India, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,  DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2018.1521888.
  350. [1] Mohanty, D.; Panda, S. (2021) Sine cosine adopted Harris' hawks optimization for function optimization and power system frequency controller design. International Transactions of Electrical Energy System, Wiley (SCIE Indexed, Impact Factor- 2.860), 31, e12915.
  351. [2] Mohanty, D.; Panda, S. (2021) A modified moth flame optimisation technique tuned adaptive fuzzy logic PID controller for frequency regulation of an autonomous power system. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Taylor and Francis (SCOPUS Indexed), 40(1), 41-68.
  352. [3] Mohanty, D.; Panda, S. (2021) Modified salp swarm algorithm-optimized fractional-order adaptive fuzzy PID controller for frequency regulation of hybrid power system with electric vehicle. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, Springer (SCOPUS Indexed), 32(2), 416-438.
  353. [4] Mohanty, D.; Panda, S. (2020) Frequency control of hybrid power system by sine function adapted improved whale optimization technique. International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor and Francis (SCOPUS Indexed), 1-18.
  354. [5] Pathak, G., Mohanty, D., Dwivedi, S. K., Singh, B., & Panigrahi, B. K. (2019) Implementation of MVF-based control technique for 3-Φ distribution static compensator. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B (SCOPUS Indexed), 100(6), 589-597.

National Publications

  1. B.D. Rout, P. Purnimasi, B. B. Pati, L. N.Tripathy ,“Wavelet Based Spectral Energy Differential Approach For Transmission Line Protection” ,RAIEE, 6th-7th April, EE Department , VSSUT, Burla
  2. 2012
  3. S. Sahu, B. B. Pati and B. D. Rout ,“Support Vector Machine based Fault Classification and Location in Power” RAMPS, EE Department, VSSUT,Burla
  4. P. Ray, D. Mishra, “ Signal Processing Technique based fault location of a distribution line”, in Proc. IEEE 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Trends in Information Systems (RETIS), July 9-11, 2015, Jadavpur Univ, Kolkata, India.
  5. P. Ray, S. Sen, “Hybrid methodology for short-term load forecasting”, in Proc. IEEE conf. Power electronics, Drives and Energy systems (PEDES- 2014), pp. 1-6.
  6. P. Ray, D. Mishra, “Artificial Intelligence based fault location in a distribution system”, in IEEE conf. 13th International Conf. Information Technology (ICIT 2014),  23-24th Dec 2014, Bhubaneswar, pp. 18-23.
  7. A. K. Barisal, P. K. Hota and R. Chakrabarti, “Dynamic search space squeezing technique for large scale optimal load dispatch,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, vol. 89,  pp. 8-13, December 2008.
  8. P. Ray“Fast and accurate fault location by extreme learning machine in a series compensated transmission line”,  in IEEE conf. Power and Energy Systems-Towards sustainable energy systems (PESTSE 2014), 13-15 March, Bangalore, 2014, pp.1-6.
  9. A. K. Barisal, P. K. Hota and S. K. Dash, “Short-term generation scheduling with take-or-pay fuel contract using an evolutionary programming technique,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, Vol. 90,  pp. 46-51, September 2009.
  10. P. Ray, B. K. Panigrahi and N. Senroy “Extreme learning machine based fault classification in a series compensated transmission line”, in IEEE conf. Power electronics, Drives and Energy systems (PEDES- 2012), Dec. 16-19, 2012, pp.1-6.
  11. P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty, Congestion management through differential evolution based optimal rescheduling of generators, The institute of engineers (India), 2012, 53, pp-339-346.
  12. A. K. Barisal, P. K. Hota and R. Chakrabarti, “Large scale economic load dispatch by clonal selection algorithm,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, Vol. 90, pp. 26-32, September 2009.
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